Monday, November 19, 2007

Week Six is great. I have so many bookmarks in my favourites in folders and subfolders it can be frustrating getting to them sometimes.

With I can see the advantage of the tags to not only find a relevant web page of mine but those of other users who may have located relevant sites that I have missed. The ability to use different keywords may retrieve bookmarks that perhaps I would otherwise forget about if they are not used regularly.
The Technorati exercises produced some interesting results. Searching entire posts returned a
11,515 results when searching the term learning 2.0. Searching for the same term in the directory returned 830 results and tagged posts search returned 281 hits. These results were obtained using the advanced search option.
Exporing a little further shows the huge variety of topics and languages on the most popular blogs with the most popular searches being about sexy women and what they are up to or displaying to the world, music and movies!!!!!
The readings on Library 2.0 are interesting. "On the way to the library experience of the future" raises the all important point of libraries being about real people, not just books. The article also suggests that Library 2.00 is just a point in time and as technology changes and advances, so shall this.
The article "Expose, expand, extend metadata using Web2.0" talks of libraries sharing data and also reaching a wider audience by customising and expanding the available metadata.


Unknown said...

This is all good stuff, keep going you are now on the down hill stretch

Fruitsalad said...

Very nice one Bella you go girl!!!

atramper said...

Yay, good stuff. The end is in sight.