Monday, September 24, 2007

Second week

Isn't this beautiful, very tranquil. I have now learnt how to add an image to my blog. ( Thank you to my colleague mumbaichick for her help with this).
The large rose reminds me of "Compassion" a lovely climber I have growing on my front deck but I can't be sure it is one in the same, though very similar.
This rose has a lovely perfume and is great for cutting for vases even though it is climber. It rewards the gardener with a never ending supply of beautiful roses for the house throughout summer.
Nature never ceases to amaze me with its colour schemes. More than once I have used the colours nature puts together when trying to decide on themes for decorating and gardening.
I have now completed the exercises and these sites Bebo, Myspace and Facebook are not for me!!! What happened to people getting out and about and meeting each other in person??? This seems to be a very isolated way of socialising. (Obviously my personal opinion only, I am sure it meets the needs of many but I like to be with people, not a screen!!!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Isn't it lovely that the weather is now warming up. I have a number of tasks to complete in the garden that unfortunately has been sadly neglected of late.

What a joy to see the new buds appearing on my rose bushes and to smell the newly mown lawn.

The spring and summer months invigorate me, life becomes truly joyous.