Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week Four

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week Four
The exercise this week has been rather time consuming. Once I got my head around it I decided that I quite like RSS.I have a son with a severe peanut allergy so have set up a feed to John Hopkins University medicine news-there is ongoing research taking place at John Hopkins and having this feed will help me keep up-to-date with any recent developments in this field.I have also set up feeds to newspapers for general interest and a couple of genealogy sites relevant to my family history research.I did become frustrated when I couldn't get into Feedster and also when feeds did not work when it seemed they should have as in Reader's Club.Time permitting, I would like to explore this more and add more feeds to my blog as I can see it is a great idea.

November 16
After a very frustrating week and assistance from the techos, my feeds still did not appear as expected on my blog. Just this afternoon I heard that things were now "working" properly and an exercise of great frustration has been completed in seconds because the "settings" or whatever are correct!!!! grrrrrhhhhh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hang in there, things are clicking into place. The computers have sure been slow lately.