Sunday, December 9, 2007


I never thought I would make it. I must be the biggest technophobe I know but through the cajoling and coaxing from others and tremendous support from mumbaichic, I have made it and had my eyes opened to the seemingly endless amount of possibilities with the web.

I most enjoyed flickr and can see me making great use of this site when I find the time to spend researching my family history. I shall be able to add images and to also sort and file them in the correct family groups and hopefully be able to view images that others have put up for the different families.

Although I encountered numerous frustrations with the slowness of the internet, I persevered as can see the benefit of keeping current with what is available. RSS Feeds proved to be particularly frustrating and I was ready to give up at that point but my colleagues encouraged me through that hurdle.

Thanks to Jane for her help and for the positive feedback from the team. It has been a very worthwhile exercise. I just want to add that my blog is only focused on the exercises and is so boring when I look at the others. With time I may be able to lively it up!!!


Fruitsalad said...

Hip Hip Hurray !!! Bella you really have come go gal!

Unknown said...

Double hip hip hooray from the learning admin team..well done on completing the journey and glad to hear we helped to motivate you along the way.

atramper said...

Yay, well done Bella, for a professed technophobe you have hung in there when the going got tough and come out smiling. I bet you have learned heaps. Thanks for the brilliant team effort.